300-centre Strong: LVPEI Network Ensures Universal Eye Care Access

With 269 vision centres, 22 secondary centres, four city centres, four tertiary centres and an apex centre of excellence, LVPEI is now a 300-centre network. This expansive presence ensures that high-quality eye care is accessible to every segment of society, especially in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Karnataka, where these centres are present and to those who visit us in these centres from every corner of the globe. 

Central to this accomplishment is our unrivalled rural eye health network—an integrated, comprehensive system that proudly stands as the first and largest of its kind worldwide. We are deeply thankful for the generous contributions of time, talent, and resources from countless supporters around the globe that helped us reach this pivotal mark.  

We extend special thanks to our colleagues serving in rural and remote regions. Their dedication forms the bedrock of our pyramidal approach to eye care delivery, providing the robust foundation necessary for transforming lives with exceptional eye care.

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