At the 4th Indian Retinopathy of Prematurity (iROP) society meets organized at Chandigarh from 21-23 June 2019:

Dr Tapas Ranjan Padhi: (1) best paper award in oral paper presentation; Title: Rate of antero-posterior retinal vascularisation of subjects treated with Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor for Aggressive Posterior (2)  best paper award in challenging cases or videos; Title: Bilateral vitreous hemorrhage and tractional retinal detachment within a week after birth in a prematurely born baby: ROP or FEVR? (3) delivered an invited lecture on ROP; Title: Atypical patterns - ROP that doesn’t fit (3) moderated a session on 'Treatment of ROP: How I do it?'. 

Dr Subhadra Jalali: (1) mentor faculty for the i-ROP Meet (2) Chairperson for the session 'Imaging in ROP' (3) invited speaker; Title: (a) Near Death and death during ROP management (b) Essentials of a training program for ROP.

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